"rebl-AMR: An Open-Source Software for Binarized-Octree Mesh Generation around Immersed Geometries"
This software generates forest of octrees for an immersed geometry.
reble-AMR uses red-black tree data strcture to store the nodes in a Z-curve compliant fashion.
This project is part of the NSF-GEM3D Award No. 1440638.
Required Libraries: (1) CMAKE (2) MPI (MPI 3.0 standard compliant version) (3) Zoltan (4) ParMetis (5) HDF5 Usage: mpirun -np <number of processes> progName input/myGeometry.stl <params.txt
Graduate Students :
Shams Basir, ...
Please refere to either of the following JCP papers if you are using this code
"[1] Jaber J. Hasbestan and Inanc Senocak. Binarized-octree generation for cartesian adaptive mesh refinement around immersed geometries. Journal of Computational Physics, 368:179–195, sep 2018"
"[2] Jaber J. Hasbestan and Inanc Senocak. A short note on the use of the red textendash black tree in cartesian adaptive mesh refinement algorithms. Journal of Computational Physics, 351:473–477, dec 2017"
Subject to GPL 3.0 license